Jul 22, 2010


Nancy took us to a small village to see a very old Buddhist temple where the local farmers worshiped and then we had lunch in a farmhouse there. The farmers live in large, 3 story buildings where the farm animals live on the bottom floor, the family lives on the middle floor and they store hay in the top floor---a very practical way to keep the family warm during the winter(but a little smelly). This family only had electricity at night, so the rest of the day they used firelight & candlelight. It was dim in the room that we had lunch in, but the flash from my camera revealed that the walls were painted with bright designs! Guess what we ate? Yak yogurt, yak cheese, yak butter tea, and homemade bread--that's a lot of yak!!!! Amy had a good time talking with the local ladies and we loved seeing how they make use of all of their resources. (look at their interesting clothes)

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